Case Study


To help you better understand the benefits of nutritional therapy I have asked a client for permission to share a simple case study of her experience. (Her name is not included.)

Presenting Concerns:

The following anonymized data is from one of my clients. This young female presented with hormonal acne, mood swings, severe PMS, insomnia and lack of energy.

Data Analysis

After having her complete the in depth questionnaires and intake paperwork, I performed analysis that revealed several main areas of concern. (See graph).  I concluded that the client had immediate needs in her digestive system, adrenal and reproductive systems, as well as mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

Personal Plan Development:

From here I formulated a personalized treatment plan and presented it to the client.

Plan Implementation/Refinement:

The client incorporated all of the recommendations in the plan. By staying in touch we were able to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to achieve optimal results.

Her Results:

Through implementation of her personalized treatment plan you can see that from our initial meeting in April of 2023 (green line) and orange line was our mid-way assessment ,That she has significantly decreased in almost all assessed areas (blue line)! Her overall health and wellbeing have increased remarkably.

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